Blueberry Tea Recipe

Here is a recipe for blueberry tea:


1 teaspoon of black tea (or green, depending on your preferences)
1 cup of boiling water
1/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
Honey or sugar to taste (optional)


Place the tea in a teapot or cup.

Pour boiling water over the tea.

Let the tea brew for 3-5 minutes (or according to the instructions on the package).

While the tea is infused, rinse the blueberries if you use fresh berries.

After brewing the tea, add the blueberries to the cup.

Sweeten the tea with honey or sugar to taste.

Stir the contents of the cup.

Let the tea brew for a few more minutes so that the aroma and taste of blueberries completely permeate the drink.

Before serving, you can add a few extra berries to the cup for decoration.

Serve and enjoy fragrant tea with blueberries.

This blueberry tea is not only delicious, but also enriched with antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements that berries can provide.

Useful properties:   
Tea - contains vitamins.
Blueberries - help strengthen joints.

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Blueberry Tea Recipe